Oct 15, 2004 03:26
So as of 9am tomorrow morning...well, this morning I guess if you want to be technical about it...so like in less then 6hours...I will be at my new jobby job. Woohoo!!! I am sooo excited that I can't sleep. I swear. So frustrated. I all ready did all the laundry and now I am writing in here because it has been so long.
Update on me...well,the job at t-Mobile is the biggest news.
I resolved everything with Brenda from church, so things are great there again.
I did also finally talk to Scott (New2LV) Monday night and we have talked every night since then. He is so great. Just lets me talk and talk and talk. I am thinking that might not be a good thing. You know, like I am VERY aware that I am talking most of the time. But he is still laughing and calling, so it can't be all that bad.
I got the new Tim McGraw CD in the mail today from my fav auntie. So great. She even surprised me with an extra $10 bill taped to the back for me to spend however I want. So LOVE her.
I got the whole roomie thing all situated.... THANKS be to GOD. I swear it was all him. Now, I am moving in with someone who is not always on my good side and I have to use a great deal of patience with her, but I need a roomie, so I am over looking it. Plus, we work different hours. Should be fine. We'll see. So please pray for me.
I think that's it. I will fill you all in on more later. Thanks for listening as always....