Dude. Someone give Lauren Graham an emmy. Seriously. Now, it just needs to happen. She totally broke my heart in this episode...more than she did already in Just Like Gwen and Gavin.
Lorelai is being all stoic-like, and I understand why she's doing it and why Amy is writing it as such, but MAN. No one, NO ONE does the "I'm really sad and hurt, but I'm hiding it because I love [insert person here--Rory, Luke, Sookie, etc.] MAN. MAN. And again...MAN! The opening scene? Where's she took the shower and was trying not to wake him up? And then, the way she tells him he doesn't have to help with the canceling of plans for her wedding? I am sticking out my lower lip now, just thinking about it. However, she didn't cancel the plans, and I KNEW she wouldn't. I am telling you, THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED THIS SEASON. I really don't know how they could put it off for any longer.
But as sad as that scene was, and as sad as the scene with Sookie and Paul Anka was ("I'm fine. I think we decided that.") the scene that really got to me was when she was watching Luke through the window of the Soda Shoppe. Just...see, this is the great thing about Lorelai, and about the way Lauren Graham plays Lorelai: The character is all loud-mouthed and sassy and brash most of the time, but when she's really hurting, and when it's really important, she shuts up. She keeps to herself. She is a silent sufferer. And no one, no one, plays the silent sufferer better than Lauren Graham.
Okay, moving on, because really I could write the whole post about how much I love Lauren and how talented she is--Dammit, Amy...you got me to like Logan. FOR THIS EPISODE. You also got me to dislike Luke two weeks ago, so I know your powers are great, if fleeting. Yeah...I totally fell for his charm. Funny, because the first time he appeared on screen by the coffee cart, I groaned, looked at my mom and said, "I hate him." But then, he realized he couldn't win Rory over with the flowers and the chocolate and the Harry and David packages, and he finally did something that was important to her. So...I give you props for that Logan. But you are still on thin ice. Also, Rory totally didn't annoy me in this episode...I think that's a first for the season. (Not that I was constantly annoyed by her--I am not a Rory-hater, but there have been moments this season where I've wanted to smack her, hard. Is she finally being redeemed? I hope so. I miss old Rory.)
However, instead of not ruining Rory for me, they have ruined Paris. Seriously...WHAT? I guess this is Amy trying to get back at Roseanne for being such a tyrant while Amy was writing for her, but...why do you have to ruin Paris? Why? Please tell me you have a greater plan here, Amy.
Okay, so, FND. It was talked up a lot in the press, and, in my opinion, completely delivered. I liked the steady-cam (usually it's not done well and gives me a headache; way to keep in focus, DP. err...that's Director of Photography, not Daniel Palladino) and I liked the time-lapse scenes. Way to finally hash it all out. If I had been watching by myself, I might have had to stand up and clap for them finally, FINALLY communicating. Of course, I'm sure next week, we'll be back to stiff-upper lip-ness and hiding things, but MAN. Things needed to be said, and they were. For example, someone finally told Rory she was spoiled. IT'S ABOUT TIME! So, I applaud you, Gilmores. Also, best line delivery of the night: "So...how's Luke?" "He has a kid." hee! (Although not as funny as the commercials led it to be, because they cut Emily laughing after that. I wish that had been the real thing. Oh well.)
So I was really thinking that after the trauma of FND, Lorelai would go home to Luke and totally break down and yell and tell him he was being stupid, and that he needs to understand that whoever is in his life is in her life, but uh...didn't happen. I guess they can't give us everything in one episode, but PLEASE don't let the issue drop, Palladinos. You have a nice build up here...I just hope it delivers.
Side note: I think I am just going to start tivo-ing all my shows watch them later. Too many fucking commercials. It is honestly causing me stress.
New V. Mars tomorrow! Woot! And also, I know that it's important ("important") that the president address the nation, but...I really wanted to watch some Scrubs tonight. I am addicted. I require lots of Zach Braff in my life.
I have a job interview tomorrow. I hope it goes well. I've got my room all arranged, and am starting to ease into this new chapter of my life, but I won't feel settled until I have a firmer grasp on my finances. Also, my computer is broken (well, the monitor--the back light went out--that's what ended up being wrong) and it's gone for probably two weeks. I am using my mom's computer in the meantime. And, and...it's just not the same. I miss my computer. I feel sad for it. I hope they are treating you well, wherever you are. Come back soon!
Oh yeah! I watched the first couple of hours of the mini-series of BSG. I'm digging it, which says a lot about the quality of the writing, because I am usually terribly bored with science fiction shows. Everyone was telling me I had to watch it though. Unfortuately, the mini-series is four hours long, so we didn't get through the whole thing. We stopped after the female cylon (I don't know names yet) told the smart scientist guy that there was another cylon aboard the ship, in disguise. I'm intrigued.
And now, I stop.