Jul 16, 2010 11:36
Yeah, so umm, we had an earthquake this morning. In Maryland. The epicenter was in Germantown, which is like, two towns away from me, and one town away from my parents'.
HOW WEIRD IS THAT? I am on the east cost for a reason, universe. I don't do tornadoes and I don't do earthquakes.
It happened around 5 a.m. Obviously, I was asleep. But I do remember waking up to a bunch of shaking. However, I didn't really think anything of it, and promptly went back to sleep. Because it was 5 a.m. A couple of hours later, I was in the shower and missed a call from my BFF, who wanted to know if I was ok, since I was only a few miles away from the epicenter. Her exact words were: "Hey, you're probably on your way to work, and we're on our way to the beach, but I just wanted to call and make sure you're ok, cause, I mean...we felt the earthquake this morning all the way out in our town, so..I'm sure you're fine, but can you just call me?"
In case anyone doesn't know, my BFF is 7 months pregnant. So when I saw I had a phone call from her at an odd time (we usually only chat in the evenings or on the weekends) I completely panicked. But, she's ok.
So yeah. That happened. I think they said it was a 3.6. WTF, universe?? WTF??