Jul 16, 2009 22:46
Y'all, you know what makes me so happy?
Roommate and I just finished another session, and watched the first 3 episodes of season 3. I forgot how funny this season is. Which makes sense, after the darkness of season 2.
Man. It's just so good. And so much goodness to come - The Mayor, Evil Faith, the return of Spike, the AWESOME AWESOME Wesley, the entire episode of The Wish, Anya...
Just thinking about it makes my heart happy.
I've gotta say, y'all know I am a TV marathon girl, and I watch, and rewatch, and rewatch. But there's definitely something to be said about taking a LONG break from a show you love, and then rediscovering it. It's not like I forgot any of this, but it wasn't fresh in my mind, you know? And to quote another great TV show I haven't seen in ages: SO much fun!
In other TV news, I *may* (read: already there) be becoming a David Hyde Pierce fangirl. It's not so much, "He's so hot!" (Though he does have excellent arm hair and beautiful eyes and was pretty much adorable when he was younger) but more like, "You're so fucking talented, I don't even know what to do." It's kind of like the Buffy thing - it's not that I FORGOT how much I loved him when he was on TV, but it's been so long. And then there's the whole theater/musical theater thing, PLUS he plays piano, and so...well, there you go.
I need a Buffy icon. I used to have one of Spike from Pangs. "A bear! You made a bear!" "I didn't mean to." "Undo it! Undo it!"
Oh, Sunnydale. I've missed you.