sillyzilly2k Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
She gave me:
HIMYM, NPH, theater techiness, movie editing, aaaaaaaand Potbelly
Well, I don't think it's a secret that I love this show. I'd say it's my current favorite. (And yes, that includes you, Office and 30 Rock.) I started watching over the summer, after falling in love with NPH for Dr. Horrible. I watched most of three seasons in like, a long weekend. For serious. That might actually be a record for me. I started out just LIKING it okay, enjoying the NPH, and thinking Robin was funny. And then I got to Zip, Zip, Zip and fell completely in love with the show. Freeze frame high five? Cigar bar? LASER TAG! "No, Ted's not pregnant. You need to have sex to get pregnant." Crossing the pee line in a relationship...."We've still got the deuce", and, one of the best-delivered lines in the series so far: "I wanna know you. I wanna like, know your SOUL." Battleship..I love it all. So then I went back and watched the episodes prior, and love them all just as much. Like Barney in a flight suit and self five. (We out!) Yeah. So clearly I love this show, and think it's incredibly quotable. But, interestingly enough, I watched the premier 2004 and wasn't thrilled. I KNOW. I remember that I wanted to watch it to fill my Alyson Hannigan/Willow void, and watched the first episode, maybe the first two, and then thought, "I have too much TV right now. I don't think I can take this show on." That was the year I really got into Gilmore, which probably had a lot to do with it. Anyway. Favorite characters, in descending order are: Barney, Robin, Marshall, Ted and Lily. But I love them ALL and want to hang out with them at McLaren's.
Oh, NPH. I mean, what's not to love about this guy? He does magic. He works out on a trapeze, which I still find incredible hot. He's a great actor. He has one of the most beautiful singing voices I've ever heard. He's been on Broadway several times, including once in one of my favorite shows, Assassins. (Well, to be fair, I've never seen it, but I love the soundtrack and the whole concept.) He's got a hot boyfriend. And, maybe most important, he has such a zest for life. Every single time I see him, in a performance, on a talk show, wherever, he always seems so happy and so grateful, and so energetic. You can't help but catch his fever.
Theater techiness:
Um, I am not sure if she meant my totally un-ironic love of theater or that I was on tech crew in high school. Either way, I will say it: I love theater. LOVE IT. Unabashedly. Really, I just love stories, and good storytelling, no matter what the form. I love that theater is live and that anything can happen, and that no two performances will ever be the same. I love that it is so intimate, and can move you in a way that no other art form can. I love musicals. And yes in high school, I was on the tech crew from sophomore to senior year. By the end, I was the tech crew head chief (yeah that's right you know you're jealous.) I miss being involved in theater and think about rejoining, but haven't yet. But might this year. I've got some feelers out.
Movie editing:
Hmm. Well, I was a film kid in college, and did lots of editing. It's the thing I loved the most about filmmaking, and something I still like to do on occasion. I think it's because it's another way to tell stories. Editing can make or break a film. It can save a film. It can also ruin a film. Editing films is the only time I am absolutely patient. I will stay for however long it takes to get something juuuuust right, and I don't mind at all. After all, it's my work, and it's personal. When I was editing my thesis film in college, entire days would go by without me realizing it. I'd look up and it would be midnight, and I'd have a huge knot in my neck from being hunched over the computer, and I wouldn't have eaten all day. Film editing also makes you (well, made ME) smoke. Because you need to take breaks, and what's a better five minute break than a smoke? (Don't worry, I've since quit. But if I ever get back into filmmaking, who knows? All the cool kids are outside taking a smoke break.)
Mmmmmmm Potbelly. For those who don't know, Potbelly is a sandwich chain. I first discovered them in Chicago, where I actually did NOT like their product. I think it's because I thought you had to get all the stuff on your sandwich. I don't know why. So my first ever Potbelly sandwich was tuna with like, hot peppers and lettuce and tomato and some weird cheese. Which...gross. But then I learned. I didn't actually eat a lot of Potbelly before I started working in DC. It was like a special treat every once in awhile, as there didn't used to be a lot around here. Now, I have to limit myself because if I didn't, I would eat there every single day. My sandwich is the tuna with swiss cheese and tomato. They also have excellent milk shakes, but I hardly ever have those because they are very rich.
Comment if you want and I'll give you five things.
In other news - in a few hours, I'll be on my way to New York!!! I'm so excited! It should be a really fun weekend. I'm looking forward to some sister time, and to finally meeting Miles, my friend's adorable baby boy. I can't wait for my Sex and the City tour, and I can't, can't, can't can't WAIT to get to see this guy live, from the front row, mere inches away.
Click to view
(Oh, and if
newtonsophie is reading this: I read a review from someone who was in the front row for a preview, and they said it was great, because they could see everything, down to the little expressions they made. Eiiiii!!!)