Nov 27, 2008 14:17
Happy Thanksgiving from Brookline, Mass! (AKA Boston) I am here on my sister's couch, using her tiny mac laptop. My parents and sister are on a Starbucks run and my brother-in-law is in the kitchen cooking our Tday feast. In about an hour, some friends are coming over to join us. It should be a fun day.
So far, the trip has been good - except for the drive here which took 12 hours and was stressful and icky. (Despite my awesome musicals mix, which was a big hit. But even that couldn't save the traffic and getting lost at 1:30 a.m.) I'm not sure what we will be doing tomorrow - I've heard talk of going to the JFK museum, but we'll see. It's nice to be here with the whole fam, though. Also, my sister and bro-in-laws apartment is so nice. Its very homey.
Anyway, nothing really new to say. Just wanted to make a post and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for a lot, including having the great people I've met here. And NPH naked on HIMYM. I'm still enjoying those images. :)