First of all....yum.
Second, someone AWESOME posted video of the Dr. Horrible panel from Comic Con! This might be old news, but I had no clue until tonight. And it's funny, but I don't even remember what I was looking for when I came upon this. (Darn you, Internets!)
So anyway, here it is, in five parts. May not be safe for work, but it's funny as hell. Also, is it weird I find it kinda adorable that Nathan Fillion and NPH are almost wearing matching shirts?
Part 1
Comic-Con Dr. Horrible Panel 1/5 from
hacksaway on
Part 2
Comic-Con Dr. Horrible Panel 2/5 from
hacksaway on
Part 3
Comic-Con Dr. Horrible Panel 3/5 from
hacksaway on
Part 4
Comic-Con Dr. Horrible Panel 4/5 from
hacksaway on
Part 5
Comic-Con Dr. Horrible Panel 5/5 from
hacksaway on
Hmm. Not sure if that worked. Anyway...
There's a cute boy who I am emailing with on my chosen interweb dating site. I don't know if it will come to anything, but he seems nice, and as I said before, very cute. I hope we get to the point where we meet each other. I was really thrown off the Interweb dating (or, really, the Dating) horse from that icky boy from a few months ago who turned into a total douchebag after we talked on the phone for like a month. So, I'm a lot more cautious now. But, it'd be nice to go out with someone, and really, to just meet a new person. So...we'll see.