Apr 12, 2006 16:04
Somehow, I am still alive. For awhile, I wasn't sure that I was going to make it. For you see, I have been sick. Not just "my throat's kinda scratchy and I want to lie down sick." No, this was full-out, "can't do anything but lie in bed and be miserable for hours on end" sick. This may be TMI (so skip if you are squeamish) but I was throwing up.....for seven straight hours. SEVEN HOURS! What the hell?
Anyway, I am feeling much better today. I am actually able to drink fluids and sit up. But holy cow. I haven't been that sick in years. This could not have come at a worse time, because I had to call out yesterday, today, and tomorrow from both jobs...one of which I have only been to twice. Luckily, the guy seems understanding, but geez. Nothing is coming easy for me right now. Once I think something is settled, another obstacle come my way. I have a feeling that 25 is going to be a difficult year. I think that ultimately, it will be a good year; I think I will grow a lot and get things accomplished. But if the past few months have been any indication, none of this will be easy.
Also: I go away for ONE DAY and the internet explodes. What is going on in Gilmore Land? Just make a decision already, Team Palladino. I'm not sure how I feel about it, actually. On the one hand, Gilmore Girls is Amy and Dan's baby, and for the most part, they have raised it well. On the other hand, this season has been less than stellar, and it kind of feels like they don't care anymore, so having new blood in season 7 could make for a resurgence. I just wish some sort of negotiation would come through. I'm sure this stuff happens all the time, but it's never this publicized. (Or maybe it is, and I am just oblivious to deals I don't care about) Either way, having it be this prevalent in the media takes some of the magic away; makes it feel kinda dirty.
Finally, sorry spoiler-free friends, but I have to make one comment about something I just read regarding the season finale.
I found out the title was called "Parting." When I read that, I felt like a knife had been shoved into my stomach. It was very similar to the Angel episode, "You're Welcome." You know, the one where Cordelia comes back, saves everything, but in the end she's really dead? And right before she leaves, she tells Angel "thank you," and after he realizes that she's really dead, that she sacrificed herself for the greater good, he says, "you're welcome," and his voice is all shaky and you want to die? (Look at that run on sentence!) Yeah, it kind of felt like that. Funny how I was more affected by that one word than I have been about any spoilers.
But what do I know; I've been on my death bed for two days.
gilmore girls