So Magical Trading Log

Aug 25, 2008 17:52

September 11:
won ariel's song: perfectisnteasy13, bellsofnotredame01, thisishalloween15
won belle's books: incredilbe24, forest05, mermaid13
won emperers new clothes: finalereprise14, songpinkorblue01, outback14
won merlin's match: find16, partofyourworldreprise14, baby04
won mulan's match: thieves08, happyendinginagrabah06, virginiacompany06
won rafiki says: outcast13, erictotherescue14, fly27
snagged from circle of life: kingofpriderock09
traded: my khearts214, underthesea04, underthesea07 for goodcompany04, perfectisnteast15 and princess15

August 25:
traded my monster22 for goodcompany11 from jess

August 23:
won belle's books: find02, believe14, sea05
won lady's location: songmanoutof you01, sonunderthesea04, songunderthesea07
won merlin's match, sonthekiss07, aristocrat07, songjumpaheadreprise03
won rafiki says: cool06, fantasia02, songonceuponadream03
Leveled up: lamp01, lamp10, orphan10, songflotsamandjetsam09, songgiftbeautysong12, khearts214

August 14:
recieved starters package: lamp03, lamp16, lamp23, apple27, monster22, strength12, songcircleoflife04 songhathimarchreprise06, sondperfectisnteasy15, canine11
won emperor's new clothes: dreams21, forest18, mermaid11
won lady's location: pedigree13, songgoodcompany05, songgospeltruth214
won merlin's match: songhonortousall14, songjumpaheadreprise04,songkaninekrunchies03
won copper and todd's word search:  songlongago01, songtherescue10,songthisland15
won mulan's memory: songtherescue12, songtigerfight04,songtrustinme02, spirit04
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