Jan 13, 2007 22:21
My love gifted me on the anniversary of our handfasting. My love has
floored me beyond reason and shaken me to the core.....
My love comes off to
most, sometimes me, as not a sentimental man, but one who is practical,
sometimes harsh in his beliefs and thoughts.
Maybe to my love I fall in a totally different category???
What did my love gift me with do you ask?.....
Quite ever so simply and yet not so simply an engagement ring. The most
single beautiful piece of jewelry that I have ever received from a man. A
simple round cut diamond on an intricate band. My love had the gaul to
apologize for its size....My love can be a silly man.
My mouth is still flapping open in the breeze and its been over 24 hours.
Why do you ask?
I have seen my love change and mature over the eight some odd years we have
been lovers, friends & mates. I have watched him grow from an egotistical
self centered, it's all about me person, to an egotistical, caring, loving and
warm person who worries about his friends & his loved ones above self.
I know I am the first woman he has purchased a ring for, the first he cared
enough too do so for.
My love has floored me beyond reason and shaken me to the core.....