And now for something completely different.

Apr 08, 2011 15:48

Wow, it's been quite some time since I actually posted anything on LJ... almost six months, anyone? Christ. Well, grad school has taken over my life, not shockingly, and I've found a new obsession (or, really, several new obsessions, but one major one in terms of fic). And I am actually posting fic! This is news!

This is, of course, an exercise in procrastination, as I have some 40+ pages of papers to write in the next... week... and I really am tired of looking up information about the National Archive of Australia. Srsly. There is only so much brainpower I can devote to this before wanting to headdesk myself into unconsciousness, as I was tempted to do last night.

But Agar is happy, because when I get stressed, my new method of relaxation is apparently writing smutty fanfic for her... for our fanfic. At least I'm being productive.

srsly fml, school, stress

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