Letters, or the Case of the Cerulean Syringe, Part Twelve

May 29, 2010 01:42

Title: Letters, or the Case of the Cerulean Syringe, Part Twelve
Author: agaryulnaer86 and sarisa_rahe
Rating: R
Pairing: Holmes/Watson

Disclaimer: Not ours.
Summary: More snogging of the slash variety. A bit of PTSD.
Spoilers: Movie
Warnings: Angst still abounds. Some language.
Word Count: 8,557
Author's Notes: Epic-fic, part 12/??.

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Comments 8

piplover May 29 2010, 06:22:24 UTC
Not sure how I feel about this chapter. I think it was important for Watson, to try to come to terms with at least one aspect of his life, and the growing trust and intimacy between him and Holmes.

On the other hand, it's hard for me to read because, like Watson, I was injured in the Army, although in a training accident, so nothing as tragic as a battle. Still... There are aspects of my time in service which make remembering difficult, and I think you did a very good job at capturing a wounded mindset.

Also, your Holmes was very sad. It breaks my heart that he knows he's fighting a battle with his depression, and that Watson knows it as well. Thank God I know he retires and spends his days happily tending bees with Watson by his side. (All right, only half of that is canon, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

Anyway, a good chapter, although the story was a bit hard for me to read. Looking forward to the next chapter!


sarisa_rahe May 29 2010, 07:38:05 UTC
I'm really glad you think it was accurate and that it works, emotionally... I was pretty nervous about posting this section, to be honest, and I really welcome critique for it, positive or negative, so your review really means a lot. You can slip into someone's mind, but I've never served in the military or experienced anything remotely like it. Thank you so much for the comment.

This actually wasn't originally planned to be quite as long as it is (not nearly, lol), but things just sort of took off on their own, and Holmes and Watson set the pace. I'll let Agar respond to the part about Holmes, but I totally see them doing beekeeping eventually, with Watson getting very good at tending bee-stings in the beginning... lol.


sulla May 29 2010, 22:47:02 UTC
Reading this on my iPod, so please excuse the short comment, but I just have to say that I love how you're dealing with this, makes total sense that they wouldn't go right to bed with each other given the circumstnces and the era. Great to see Watson dealing with his PTSD and his sharing of what happened in the war with holmes was a huge emotional exchange in itself, and was certainly something they'd of had to deal with in reality. Anyway still loving it and still desperate for more!!!


agaryulnaer86 June 1 2010, 05:52:46 UTC
Thanks so much!! We're working on putting the next part up ASAP. And it's great to hear that their not immediately jumping right into something works. They're in a rough position for so many reasons... anyway, thanks so much for the comment. :)


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agaryulnaer86 June 1 2010, 05:53:50 UTC
Thank you!! More is coming soon, we promise!


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agaryulnaer86 June 1 2010, 05:54:51 UTC
Thank you :) Neither of us can really claim to have experience with PTSD, but we felt it was important that it be included-- it's a major part of Watson's character and it's often overlooked.


jenlee1 June 1 2010, 03:53:27 UTC
I've been eyeing this story with great interest ever since you started posting, but real life being what it is, I haven't had time to sit down and read it properly until now. And it's taken most of the day to get caught up, but I'm pleased to say that it was well worth it :)

Quite simply, this is lovely. Watson's slow realization that he isn't happy with the life he thought he wanted was very deftly handled, as was his eventual understanding that he can't possibly be the husband Mary deserves and still maintain the level of involvement in Holmes' life that they both so desperately want. The tension and awkwardness and pain of that situation came through very vividly, and the resolution has been fascinating, so far.

You certainly have my attention, at any rate, and I await the remaining parts with great anticipation.


agaryulnaer86 June 1 2010, 05:56:01 UTC
Thanks so much :) It's been almost painful to write, some of it, but it's worth it if we got their feelings across to you so well.


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