Nearing completion!

Dec 13, 2011 02:28

It is still after 2 a.m. but because I've made a pre-New Year's resolution (maybe this will work out better than my real-time ones, as they always seem to fade away after about a week) to post more on LJ (it would be really hard to post less) and to actually participate on and stop boycotting FB, the evil all-encompassing website of DOOM, here I am posting. You know. Stuff. But since I currently live a life of (semi) reclusiveness as I finish up my last semester physically in grad school, I can ramble here.

1. I got all my work done on time this weekend, motherfuckers! This is a phenomenon that has never once occurred before in my academic career, or possibly my life. I adore procrastination in all of its semi-relaxing, semi-panic-inducing glory, but here I am getting shit done, all of it at least a few days ahead of time. I'm still in shock. To quote a very wise father, it's like whooaaahhh...

And this is why I need to go to bed, because it's almost 2:30 am and I am looking at Finding Nemo videos on YouTube. Although I should point out that they were totally playing that movie in the NYU library for everyone to watch close-captioned a few weeks ago. Also the Princess Bride. I will miss that place...

2. Agar and I are almost done with our dream_holiday gift fic! I am so excited! I hope our recipient <3s it as much as we <3ed writing it :)

One more final to be dealt with over the course of this week, and then I'm free to go see Tinker Tailor and SH2 with Agar this weekend! (Not necessarily in that order :D)

nonsense, fic

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