Rain-Bow Legacy (Gen 3.3)

Aug 30, 2009 14:30

Warning: The following update contains furries, bad jokes and crude humor.
Take after every meal, before bed, before waking up, and with water.
Do not take with any liquid.

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Family Tree: Here
Last update: Ebony finally grew a set (metaphorically speaking) and began paying Carbon back for the years she spent putting up with him.
Carbon thought getting vamped was a good idea. Then he had to go to school. He's still alive, just smoking a bit.
Lavender and Rose are still all over each other like teenagers.

Carbon: Hey, Spot. How's a good boy? You are! Yes you are!

It always amuses me how people talk to pets like they're babies.
Or maybe it's babies who get talked to like they're pets. o_O

In retaliation for being treated like a baby,Spot bites the hand that pets him.

Seriously, EAxis. Spot? How the hell does my LotP get this name.
1) he's not spotty
2) Spot =/= badass name for the LotP

Spot: I hope you spend your life chasing parked cars. Teach you to baby talk to me.

Content with his work, Spot spends the rest of the night playing with a squeak toy.
He fails at LotP-ness imo.

Carb: Ok. I'm ok. Moon's gone. Not a wolf. Yeah, I can deal with this life.
Sarinn: Sun's coming up.
Carb: Fuck.

Carb: Ok, to hell with this shit. Time for Mom's cure. Um... Glowing is a good thing, right?
Sarinn: I didn't make it.
Carbon: I don't see an experation date on it anywhere. Has to be good still.

Carb: Agh gods! *body spasm*
Sarinn: Did it go bad? Should I get your sister to call poison control?
Carb: No, it just tastes like shit.
Sarinn: Good. I doubt Ebony would call them anyways. >_>

It was a bit later I noticed this.
Who the hell is Arcadia Owens and what does she have to do with Carbon becoming a wolf?
And how can this be a bad memory if he's all "Dude, this is cool!"?
Sense, this makes none.

Rose: So, if Carbon dies... Do we bury him in the pet cemetery?
Lavender: I have no idea.

Ritsu grew up! And looks exactly like mom :-/
Also, 3 days is NOT enough time for puppies and kittens imo.

Carbon: Look, I'm telling you she's not from here.

Carbon:  You *do* know she's an alien, right?
Nicole: Uh, yeah. Thanks Captain States-The-Obvious.

Carbon: *smacks girl*
Nicole: *sees stars*
Carbon: Hey, I'm just giving a friendly warning. It's your ass, not mine that could be in danger.

And they say romance is dead.

Nicole: Your brother's a blockhead.
Ebony: *relationship +*

Power on? Check.
Low mechanical level? Check.
Randomly jamming a screwdriver into electronics: Check.

Sadly, things didn't go as I had figured it would.
He actually fixed it :-\

Carbon: Ok, I need a chick. Any chick. But she's gotta like me.
Matchmaker: Anything else?
Carbon: Boobs. And a brain. No, wait, not too smart, I'd be in trouble then.
Matchmaker: I think I find this a bit insulting.
Carbon: Oh, and she has to have a thing for hairy guys.
Matchmaker: Let's see what I can whip up.

Arcadia: The hell am I doing here?
Carbon: Holy shit, it's the president of the student council! I'm boned.
Matchmaker: *looks in crystal ball* Oops, meant to grab the girl beside her. Oh well, no refunds.

After lying through his teeth explaining himself with all the charm he could muster, Carbon began to slowly win her over.

Carbon: So that's why I wanted you here. Because I want to dedicate my time to helping you out on the council.
Arcadia: And you really want to do this just for me?
Carbon: Of course! How could I not want to help a girl with such big... ambitions.

It would seem Ebony takes a strong dislike to the entire thing.
That or she hasn't had her morning coffee.

However, Ebony's anger doesn't get in the way of Carbon's libido budding relationship.

Romance sims + teenagers.
The hot tub hasn't seen this much action since... Well since Lavender and Rose were in it last night.

Arcadia: I don't know what trick you used in raising him, Ms. Rain-Bow, but thanks for Carbon having the stamina he does.
Lavender: Oh, that wasn't me, but thanks anyways. Hope you're not a cat person.

Ebony: Look, this is easier to understand than infinity being equal to 1/4.
Arcadia: I'm not listening to you, Ebony.
Ebony: My brother's using you for sex!
Arcadia: So? I'm doing the same thing to him.

Later, Ebony finds out that her dog likes Arcadia.
Betrayed by man's best friend, she breaks down.

And then she blamed Carbon for it.

Ebony: Will you go home already?!
Arcadia: Sheesh, Ebony, You need to relax. Why don't you go probe something?
Ebony: Don't tempt me, slut.

It's a good thing for Carbon that Arcadia has always had a weird fetish for furries.
A fetish so powerful, it manages to block out the wet dog smell.

Carbon: Uh, Mom? This is kinda weird.
Lavender: Shut up, Carb. Garfield's about to kick Odie off the table.

Azure: *sigh* They had chili tonight. It was my favorite.
Sarinn: No chili in the afterlife?
Azure: There is, but it's just not the same. Since there's no time in the after life, it's a pain to get that "better the next day" flavor.
Sarinn: Sorry to hear that.
Azure: And why is there so much wet dog food?

Carbon: Check it out, Mom! I got an A in my World Issues class!
Lavender: Grats! How'd you do it?
Carbon: I did a report called Two Moms, a Dog, and a Buttbaby. It was about how diversity and tolerance is a good thing in society.
lavender: Good for you!
Carbon: Where's the Eb? I wanna rub this in her face.

Due to Carbon having been a vampire for a short time, Ebony grew up first.
It wasn't a good time for her.

Doktor Vatson: 'ello? Can you hear me, child?
Ebony: Go away.
Doktor Vatson: Iz ok, I'm here to 'elp you. 'Ow many fingerz do you see?
Ebony: Technically? None. You're a figment of my broken psyche.
Doktor Vatson: Korrect!

Ebony: Go away, Doc. My life sucks, and I don't need you here to remind me.
Doktor Vatson: Now, now, t'ings really aren't dat bad, no?
Ebony: I've spent my life being tortured by my brother, neglected by my parents, failed everything in high school because I'm too smart...
Doktor Vatson: mmhmmm?
Ebony: I'm obviously and alien, and the only thing guys like about that is they think I'm into anal sex.
Doktor Vatson: Ah! But! You're no longer a child, yes? You're heir. You make da rules now.
Ebony: ... Good point.

Ebony, made over. Have I mentioned how much brilliantcat 's PT's kick ass?

Unlike Ebony, Carbon had an actual cake.

Check out that difference growing up made!

Decided to age up Arcadia, too. Carb's got enough issues without being a cradle robber.

Carbon: Hey, Doc, good to see you.
Doktor Vatson: Oi. Dis could be a toughie.

Arcadia got a slight make over.

If Doctor McCoy was to get pissed off and slap around one of the green aliens Kirk's had sex with, I think it'd look something like this.

Lavender: No. Period. I don't care what position you have in this family.
Ebony: I want him gone, Mother. I've had enough of his shit.
Lavender: Can't be done.
Ebony: Why not?
Lavender: Sarinn's still pissed with him for breaking your grandmother's urn.

Arcadia: So? Want to move out together?
Carbon: Ehhh. Maybe later. I still want to stick around and torture Ebony more.

Carbon, without the fur.
I didn't notice until now that being a werewolf alters your sims stats.
Kind of a neat touch, really.

Ebony's still working hard at robotics.
Her mental state isn't going too good, however.
It's ok, though, Wilson gives her the intelligent conversation she's been needing.

Lavender: Trust me, they're don't look saggy in that dress.
Carbon: *urk*

Ebony: Um.. No. I'd like someone in my age group.
Matchmaker: Just think of him as experienced.
Ebony: Gross.

Ebony: *sigh* I hate you.
Matchmaker: Hold on, third time's a charm.

Ebony: Whew. Much better.
Matchmaker: Anything else I can do for you?
Ebony: Yeah, get the hell off my lawn.

Jim: So... You're an alien.
Ebony: Yeah. Is that a problem?
Jim: Not at all. So, uh... Would it be too soon for me to ask -
Ebony: If it involves probing, I'm kicking your ass.
Jim: Actually, I was going to ask for a dance.
Ebony: Oh. Sorry, that was kind of a reflex.

Soon as they got into the house, Carbon walked up to Jim and howled.
Nothing like making your sister's date wet himself for a good time.

right after, Ebony turned around and began slapping the crap out of Carbon.

Carbon retorted by savaging Ebony.

Ebony as a Werewolf / alien. First thing she does, raid the fridge.

Carbon: Whoa! the hell is this?
Sarinn: A gift from Ebony's date.
Carbon: So it wasn't just his bladder that went, eh?

Lavender: I was looking forward to them growing up. I figured "Hey, they'll be adults! I won't have to baby sit them anymore!". So here I am at 3am working on a cure for Ebony's lycanthropy because my son is too stupid to NOT bite his sister.

Ebony reverted back to normal before sunrise.
Now, I just have to find where Carbon wandered off to so he can clean up the puddle that's still on the floor.

end of update.

rain-bow, awesomesauce_challenge

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