Theory exams over!!!
I recieved a 90% on my Web Dev theory exam. Dunno what I got on my VB theory yet, though I think I did fairly well. Now I just have my 5 final exams to go, the first one is on Friday (in VB.NET). All my final projects are finished and handed in. I have one test left to write in accounting sometime next week and then that class will be out of my hair. All in all, everything is not only going according to schedual, but I'm ahead of where I figured I'd be.
Dinner with the folks got canned for tonight. Mom called and was all "Yeah, your father forgot that your sister has an exam, I have to work, and your brother didn't know so he made plans". So dinner is now tomorrow. Which kinda sucks because I was hopping to be around for my guilds first kill in their 25 man tomorrow. Ah well.
Back to my studying. Two more weeks to go and then this death march will be over!