"A year passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer, summer changed back into winter, and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn... until one day... "
... instructors began giving out final assignments and talking about exams. Yup, it's that time again.
The scope of the final month of the term is larger then ever. Huge final assignments, two theory exams, 5 final exams, a couple accounting tests, and a couple smaller, but still time consuming assignments in other classes. The plan of attack?
I have 12 days, give or take, until my first theory exam (Web Dev). I have no idea when my VB.NET one is, but it will be around that time as well. By the 10th (in 7 days) I am aiming to have my final VB.NET assignment done (which I haven't looked at yet, though I'm sure the scope is rather large as it involves creating a program with a GUI that interacts with a database).
Somewhere while coding and debugging, I need to fit in time for studying for my accounting test on the 9th. Also by the 10th, I am aiming to have both my final Net Admin assignment done as well as my final A&D2 assignment done.
This will give me a few days free to study for my two theory exams on the week of the 15th. After those, I will then have time to study for my 5 final exams which are held the following week.
Oh, and somewhere in here I need to get my final Web Dev assignment done. Which I can't start yet because it uses Dreamweaver, and the college only has trial versions that last 30 days, so the instructors don't want us to start as they don't want to risk our trial being up before we have to write the exam.
For some reason my instructor frowns heavily on the idea of me.... acquiring a version of Dreamweaver, so I have to wait on this.
Good news: After this weekend I am officially on a leave of absence from work. I have applied to STEP Services and the gods willing, I will not be going back until after the start of the next school year. Either way, time to toss on a pot of coffee and begin working my ass off.
So begins the End of Days.