Mar 19, 2011 18:33
So I had my first day of my monthly lady problems, right? And those first days always KILL me. Like, curl up and sob. I think it's partly because I'm pangender and when I feel more masculine it makes me panic like mad.
So my mother tells me to take tramadol cause it's non-narcotic.
No one told me that it's like taking a low dose percocet: aka my favorite kind of drug to take when I can get my hands on it.
Now, I'm not much of a druggie. I have had Percs only for my teeth (once for a HORRIFYINGLY bad cavity that ended up a root canal two days later and once when I had all four wisdom teeth out at once) so it was technically legal, and the Tylenol with codeine was also prescription; I've drunk three times in my life and only actually was drunk the one time, and I've smoked pot once.
But I definitely don't COMPLAIN about getting high. Hell to the no. If i could afford it I'd do it much more often. So I'm really excited to be fucked up right now and I can't even be pissed that my boyfriend's acting like a little bitch about it. His best friend and I are talking right now cause she's on something too and we think it's awesome/funny that he's pissed and we're both high.
But really, though, it's hysterical that I didn't even WANT to be high - okay I did want to be high but I was not aware that I would be. I've wanted to get high for DAYS now.
TL;DR: I am a happy camper because I am accidentally high on something that acts like my favorite drug.
why do i even use tags,
fucked up,
i make up new tags all the time,
oh shit,
what is wrong with me,
the more you know