Jul 04, 2010 11:44
So today is day two for Rorschach the Eunuch. Since he was cut, I've spent every second that I can with him.
Sari: ^__^ Here's your food, Rori! ...o.o Rori?
Rori: >8C *has his e-collar half-off and stuck on his face* ...
Sari: D8 Awww, Roriii...
Yes. He was a total drama queen about the cone of shame for a good six hours. Now he seems to be taking it well, which means I can leave to go to a barbeque at my dad's for a few hours without worrying that I'll come home to a suffocated cat. Plus, I think the pain meds really work wonders on him. After a full night of sleep and shoving five pills down his throat (either I'm really good at it, or he's just super mellow...I'm thinking the latter), he's sleeping again, by my leg, as we speak. 83~~ ...err, ah...type. X3;;;
But man, it was scary waiting for him to pee. It's bad enough his bladder had a hole in it from the syringe; on top of that, my mom told me that the vet was afraid she may have cut his ureter. Which meant looots of trouble. But when I left to feed dogs, clean poop (I swear, it's amazing how much five little dogs can poop so much), and mop a floor because it was super sticky with urine, I came back to a pleasant surprise. 83 It wasn't much, but I'm blaming that on his not wanting to drink and the only water he's getting being that in his wet food. Yaaay for no reconstructive surgeries.
So I guess the worst of it is over. He's made it through the night, which means nothing is leaking inside; his incisions don't look swollen or inflamed; he's actually eating when the vet estimated he wouldn't eat for at LEAST two days; he actually peed, which means the vet didn't make an oopsie cut that could cost me thousands...I tell ya, he's a tough kitty. There's no way in hell he's gonna let that ball inside him turn into anything bad. The vets were even surprised by how quickly he woke up after being gassed yesterday. 83 Yup...that's my special kitty. My one in a couple thousand "I-have-a-stuck-between-descended-and-undescended-testicle" inkblot kitty. <83~~~