Apr 15, 2010 13:00

Argh...so I spent a good portion of yesterday just EATING. I swear, if I had a nickel for every bite I took yesterday, I'd be filthy stinkin' RICH. D8<<< And now, as a result, I feel fat as all hell. And depressed. And frustrated. Argh.

Doesn't help that my mom and I got into a fight last night. =__=;; I like to think that I didn't start it. I was doing exactly as she told me...EXACTLY, and she STILL blew up. So what do I do? Of course I get upset, too! It's only natural, especially when I spent all day eating and felt like a fat angry cow. So I storm away to do what she told me to (or what I ASSUME she wanted, since apparently I wasn't doing what she said ;; ) and she throws the fit from hell, slamming doors and everything because apparently I'm a fucking bitch. =__=;;; I don't feel bad about this at all...just frustrated that she probably thinks -I'M- the one at fault here, when it's SHE who started it. I already warned her that I was in a pissy mood WAAAY before I got home from work, and she KNEW damn well that I wasn't feeling good. Apparently that doesn't warrant me feeling a bit frustrated when I'm doing exactly what she says, and yet I'm not? I dunno...I still don't get it. I know this song is a huge weight on her shoulders that she wants to heave off, but dear gods, woman. It's not the end of the world that you can't get the fucking bridge. >__<;; *facepalm*

It's things like this that just make me want to move out. I think they're getting worse, too...she needs to get a boyfriend or something. As useless as boys are, she doesn't think so, and I think she needs the "outlet." ;;; Honestly, I think she just needs to stop bringing goddamn fosters home. "8D Oh, Sari! They got in more doxies!" D8< NO. FUCK YOU WOMAN. AND YOUR LITTLE WIENERDOGS, TOO. We finally got rid of the last of the three fosters we had before, and the next day she brings home a baby shi tzu. Okay. I have no beef with a shi tzu puppy; he's actually very cute and I'm willing to play with him. But still...I think having so many dogs is stressful enough on her AND me; it doesn't help when she brings home extras. She always complains about Loki shedding all over the place, and how she can't wait to get rid of him and CoBi for the summer by shipping them off to my dad's...I think it's kinda sad if you're not happy with the animals you have. ;; Getting rid of them because they're a burden is the LAST reason I would have for surrendering an animal. Not that she's surrendering them for good, but......*sigh* I just think she made a big mistake by bringing in so many docs. I adore Missy, and I...well, tolerate Scarlett...but I think life would be less hectic without them. ;; I really do. I think adding CoBi to the crew would have been good enough, and then Nev is my own dog so if she ever has issues with him I can always just LEAVE...but she just seems to like to blame EVERYTHING but her own actions for the consequences she now has to face. ;;;

Maybe things would be better if we'd gotten a bigger, better house. If I'd had my job at the time we were house hunting, we'd probably be in a great place, and it'd be affordable because we have two (well, technically one, since she doesn't work) incomes helping to pay the mortgage. But now we're stuck with this shitty little rundown shack that my mom can't find the motivation to fix up...she has all the time in the world until August, since she doesn't start school again until then and she's taking a break from volunteering...so all she does is sit at home all day, waiting for ME to come home so, I guess, she can pick fights with me on how she can't find the will to do shit. As if it's my fault. At least I work 8 hours a day, so I think I have a right to come home in a shitty mood every once in a while, especially with how much my job tasks me every so often.

At least I've learned my lesson. I'm NEVER taking on another project outside of work EVER again. At least my job appreciates what I do, and I don't get kicked into the mud for being in the occasional shitty mood; rather, I get sent home to rest and feel better. ;;; No, I'm going to be selfish from now on. I will do everything for ME, and ME alone. Because apparently, as the song goes, no good deed goes unpunished...no act of charity goes unresented. =__=;;

No good deed will I do again.
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