Dec 31, 2009 19:11
you and i started on interesting terms. you were so full of promise after a ragged ending to 2008. i was worn and tired, you took me in and comforted me. we slowly built it all up for a whirlwind, giddy summer that left us reeling and breathless. the highs were stratospheric. to balance, you brought a sharp break from bliss by autumn. i got to stare down some more personal monsters and broke more barriers, drew on surprising reserves of strength and learned that admission of weak points is hardly a bad thing.
there will be no post-mortem this year, no wistful, bitter eulogy. i've written enough of those. of course there are things i might have done differently; unlike other years, i would still have done them. no regrets, that was one of the lessons you brought. no moping, either. that's time wasted instead of renewing ties with old friends and getting to know the new ones better.
besides, you're already gone to me. i started my new year over a week ago.
and there's ever so much i'm looking forward to.