Me and Valentine's Day, we're likethis.

Feb 14, 2007 13:26

So, it's Valentine's Day. Hip hip hooray.

Okay, don't get me wrong. Probably my second or third favorite holiday after St. Paddy's Day and Christmas. It's an excuse to show and tell people you love them and give them things you might not normally give. Not everyone is kind enough to give their loved ones random gifts. Anyway. So I like it.

But today, it can suck me.

I am Death Warmed Over. Nice to meet you. I woke up the other day with the World's Worst Cold. I swear, my head is a ticking time bomb. It will explode at any minute. I have almost no voice, completely stuffed up and my chest is so sore it aches and hurts me to breathe or move.

Never let it be said I am not ambitious.

So anyway, my boyfriend and I were going to go ice skating today but he doesn't want me out in the cold more than I have to be. It's sad because it was actually in the low 40s the other day, but it's 13* again. Woe. So we are temporarily postponing that be. But he's promised to cook me supper (this is a huge thing, if you know him) and there's gifts on the kitchen table, wrapped and everything. Also huge. But I got home this afternoon and I opened the door to the apartment and the apartment is just comPLETEly packed with flowers.

136 roses, one for every day since he met me, according to him.

So, I may be dying. But I'm definitely not complaining.

EDIT: For the record, since I've been asked more than once, St. Paddy's is my favorite holiday because it's an excuse to be drunk, especially on Guinness and eat fish and chips and corned beef. As you know, these are the three most important food groups. The End.


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