
Oct 25, 2008 17:24

I emptied, cleaned and painted my bedroom today, before cooking supper and dessert. I'm kind of tired. So this is all you get.

ETA: I've been wanting to paint for awhile and I finally decided on a color. I'm SO nitpicky when it comes to colors because um. I abhor painting and refuse to do it often. Before painting my bathroom last month, the last time I had painted was...three years earlier when I'd painted my bedroom.

It's just too much of a hassle. Not the actual painting job... between prep, trim work and painting, it took three of us less than 6 hours to do. But the before and after. Pulling everything out, putting everything back. And we destroyed my closet, too, so I had to completely empty that. And we decided to paint in there which, I don't know why because trust me when I tell you I won't see the walls once my clothes are in there. But there was one of those organizational closet system dealiebobs in there and it was the absolute bane of my existence. So we ripped that out and put in a single shelf (or will do, when the paint is dry). I also bought new furniture so, I have to transfer from old furniture to new furniture, which is still sitting in the garage waiting for placement.

So, it's a bigger job than it needs to be, but I've been wanting to paint for about a year now, so I'm glad it's done and over. If I never have to paint again, I'll probably be okay with that. Here's hoping.

So, tomorrow my day consists of making breakfast, doing dishes, making sure the walls are completely covered and dry, de-taping and cleaning, moving furniture back in and then reorganizing, putting things away, putting my clothes away.

I also bought seam tape because I am tired of my comforter. The style and thickness is love, but I'm done with the pattern. So I have decided to shove it in my favorite duvet. My favorite duvet happens to only have a button closure and occasionally my comforter peeks out. So, I will put my comforter in, button her up and then close it with seam tape. Done and done, new comforter, no money.

I'm taking Monday off of work because um. I feel like it. And damn it, I need it after all this "physical labor" crap they're making me do. Who "they" are, I'm unsure, but trust me - they're out there.

nablopomo 08

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