To my fellow Americans:

Jul 04, 2008 15:13

Hmm. That sounds sufficiently cheesy. I could say something like "to my fellow Yanks" but that wouldn't make sense in context because a Yank to an American is different than a Yank to everyone else in the world. I.E., not all of my American friends are Yanks. are all American (those to whom I address this) including little goodtoast, all the way over in Norway, so I can shut up now. (Btw, goodtoast, you're in a better Norway than I am. I work in a town (currently) called Norway. Norway, IA. Anyone ever heard of the movie The Final Season? Haha. Iowa has a habit of naming its towns after significantly cooler places: Brooklyn, Wyoming, Manhattan, Tripoli, Norway, Fairbanks, etc and so forth. I live in a town called Urbana; this should be significant for my Illinoisian friends. Funny, that Firefox sees "Urbana" as mispelled but not "Illinoisian." Stupid Firefox.

Wow, tangent much?

Anyway, happy birthday, Americaland! Or, as one of my Canadian friends wished me today, Happy America Day!

I hope everyone is enjoying their requisite barbecues and outdoor games and (later on) fireworks. We are having a massive, all-day block party in my neighborhood. There've been people trawling all over the place for hours. A couple people have their big radios turned to the local Oldies station, and the music is bouncing around between the houses. As said Canadian friend also said, this is what everyone thinks of when they think of America. I don't. I think of pizza, for some reason.

I took a break from the block party a bit ago because frankly, I'm pasty-pale and my poor skin can only take so much sun at one time. It is a gorgeously beautiful day (admittedly, one of numerous we've had since the flood, ironically) and will be perfect for the three sets of fireworks we'll see later on. We can see fireworks from Independence, Vinton and here in town. I'm not sure if Vinton is doing fireworks (they're in the valley, half their town was flattened and the road going into Vinton from Urbana is completely washed out) but I'm sure Independence will and I know we are, so I'm happy.

I have a pretty summer dress on (though not patriotically-colored, shame on me), you just know I'm wearing a crinoline with it, and I made a couple of salads and an ice cream flag cake that are all being enjoyed by the party goers. (Well, the cake's in a freezer for now, but it WILL be enjoyed because damn it, I'm an excellent bakestress.)

I actually managed to find some food for lunch, but I imagine I look like a carnivore with all the meat I've been forced to start consuming. Anemia aside, my safest bet when eating in an unfamiliar environment is unseasoned meat. Pickles, if I know the brand, potatoes are generally safe (again, unseasoned). And there was a lot of fresh fruit out there for breakfast (I think I ate my weight in grapes, STG.)

So, I'm doing good.

Now I'm off to find ice cream. And it better have peanut butter, if they know what they're doing.

Everyone have a fun and safe holiday!

holidays: independence day 08

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