Moving on

May 22, 2008 19:35

Exactly one year ago, almost to the minute, D and I poured the last of the liquor in our house--and it was considerable--my parents used to run a bar, so I inherited quite a lot of liquor--down the sink. D hasn't had a sip of alcohol since that night. He's been dry, part 2, for a year now. They say the first year is the hardest but he's done well. We only had one close incident but nothing ever came of it, for which I'm glad. for you

I'm also glad for you guys. Most of you were terribly supportive not only of him but of me, too. Being an alcoholic is horrible; being in a relationship with one can be nearly as bad. So, thank you.

(On a lighter note, I just stabbed myself in the ear with a Q-tip and it hurts. Damn it. I tell you about these things, that's the sort of friend I am. No. Shame.)

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