Completely and Totally Incoherently Rambling

Sep 28, 2007 05:37

So one of my dear friends, who is already like uber famous where she lives because she is that. awesome. has had an article written about her apartment and her not-for-profit. And can I just say, Jess, that when we finally buy a place and settle down, I'm totally coming to you for decorating advice? You are just like, naturally awesome How do you do it?

In other news, tomorrow is our one year anniversary. Well, one year from our first date. It's been 366 days since he tried to kill me, though! We were going to go out to the western part of the state and go hiking but with the way is back is right now, neither one of us is willing to risk it.  If something happened again to his back, I would have to abandon him as the weak member of the tribe and forage on for myself and I'm just not down with that. He didn't seem too keen on that idea, either. So we're just going to spend time together this weekend and once he gets better, we'll do a hike. Apparently, we are athletic. He likes living off the wild for some reason but tell me, why did we invent things like RUNNING WATER just for people like him to throw it all away? Hmm?

I painted my nails last night, dark brown. "Cocoa Powder." This is something I always do right before bed so it makes it as awkward as humanly possible to function as I get ready for bed. It keeps me on my toes. If there was a gold medal for nail-painting, it would be mine EVERY TIME.

In case you were wondering, today is Friday. Yay! I love Fridays because that means tomorrow is Saturday and Saturday means NO WORK. On top of that, it will be October on Monday, which is my FAVORITE month AND 90% of the Halloween stuff is out in full-force which means I can decorate my cubicle on Monday. I told people in my department not to be surprised if they get to work on Monday and there's cobwebs and rubber spiders all over their cubicles. They were okay with this, surprisingly. I work with weird people.

My annual address-gathering Christmas card post will be coming out soon. YOU BETTER REPLY.

And last but not least: my eyebrows are EATING MY FACE.

That is all.

daterer, random post is random

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