Second of Two

Jul 13, 2007 05:19

I've taken to sleeping on my boyfriend's side of the bed. Not even on purpose (at least, not consciously), I just started waking up that way. I start out on my side, generally on my stomach, or on my side but closer to the middle, but I wake up with my head on his pillow and my feet hanging off my side of the bed. It's weird and not entirely comfortable. My back has hurt constantly for the last week!

Today is food day at work. We have a team set u p at work. Generally 6 - 10 people on a team, five teams on the floor. Or something. Last week, we effectively traded one of our full time people for a part time person. And really, that's fine, because we have the largest team on the floor, so having a part-timer isn't going to hurt us. But I liked the girl that moved to a different team. She's one of those really cute, squishable people that you always want to squish.

Needless to say, the person we got in the trade is significantly less squishable. But maybe he will prove squishable with time.

The thing is, today we're having a food day to say goodbye to her and say hello to him. In principle, I can understand it. But dear god, the food days. I think there've been three this week. And, okay, most of them aren't floor-wide food days so they don't really affect me...but still. People offer to share and THERE IS SO. MUCH. FOOD. All these people do is eat!

And I am completely lazy and made nothing for food day, so I am going to The Shopping Behemoth That Shall Not Be Named for work and buying a salad of some sort, dumping it in a tupperware, here you go.

Then tonight, I get to see my friend again. The one I saw a couple of months ago for the first time. Wee! So, so excited. She's been one of my very best friends for six years now. I'd be lost without her. I'm glad we're not going another two years without seeing each other!

Unfortunately, it will be a very long day. I didn't sleep well, I've been up since 4:21 and I was given a huge project on Wednesday to finish by today, in addition to all my other daily work, because I've got the time for that? And let's not forget the project I had to do and completely yesterday that my boss hinted took precedent over the much more important and much larger project that has to be done today.

Gar. I hate the corporate world.

And! The second (and last) Friday the 13th of the year. Be careful! No walking under ladders or black cats (crap, I own one) or opening umbrellas indoors, mmkay?

daterer, random post is random

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