Crisis averted.

May 16, 2007 17:21

Well, pseudo-crisis. I've been invited back into the community of whence I spoke. Apparently, I was forgotten or some such nonsense in the first go around, but really I don't care because I'm only in it for one thing, anyway.

I haven't been on LJ in approx 3 years, either. I have a lot of catching up to do.

However, this catching up is not going to happen tonight because 1) major headache. I was supposed to go an awards dinner dealy-ma-bob tonight but um. Yeah, not happening. My head would explode from the applause and crap. (Though my friend Tara was kind to point out that maybe alcohol served there would help? But alas, no.) I was going to go with David (cuz I'm not a student anymore, so it's not like, verboten.) (I like parentheses.) But David's going by himself to accept his award, going to schmooze with some friends and then he's coming home.

There's a bunch of crap going on with him right now, too, but I'm not comfortable talking about it yet.

Other than the major headache, I have to clean. Like have to clean. This place has to be spotless by Sunday.

What's Sunday, you ask?

Just the day when I'll be a mom...again.

daterer, random post is random

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