Title: Til the End of Time - Epilogue
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Characters: Captain Jack, mentions of Ten, Rose, Pete, Jackie, OCs
Rating: G for this chapter, T, for the entire story, for a spot of cursing
Word Count: 159
Spoilers: PostDoomsday. Companion and spoliers to Only Time and Time After Time, the third in the Time and Time Again series.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I did, Rose wouldn't be in Pete's World. Period.
Summary: "If I had known that the last time I hugged him or kissed him would’ve been the last time, I would’ve paid a lot more attention. And I would’ve held on for dear life."
Links to:
Part One Part Two
Part Three Time begins again.
Jack Harkness frowned, clicking on the communications link that popped up on his screen.
Hope you get this. I did a bit of jiggery-pokery, you know me. If you can find a way, keep in touch.
“John?” Confused, he opened the attachment. It was a picture scan of a newspaper article and he magnified the document so he could read it better.
Peter Tyler and Jacqueline Prentice Tyler are proud to
announce the marriage of their daughter
Rose Marion Tyler to Doctor John Smith,
31 May 2015.
The couple have five children, Jack Harkness Smith, 9,
Cathica Rose Smith, 6, Gwyneth Jacqueline Smith, 1 and
a set of twins on the way, as yet unnamed. They were married by
the magistrate in the bride’s family garden, shortly after their 10th anniversary.
Hello, Jack, we love you. Love, the Doctor and Rose.
Jack laughed. It was about time they finally got their happy ending.