I was looking about the wtf_inc lj and someone posted a "bad wedding dress". I agreed with it being bad but one poster commented that it wasn't that bad and they'd seen worse and posted a link to a website full of bad wedding dresses. Some I agree with, some I don't. A couple of them just made me sad...
Video Gamer Wedding Cake
The guy and the girl in this couple are in for a hell of a shock. He thinks that because he was allowed to have a video game wedding cake that his wife is going to approve of his video game playing for all eternity.
Wrong motherfucker! Video games are for stoners and little boys. It's time to fix the house, change the diapers and go out and get a job.
This makes me sad... video games are good! And what's wrong with playing video games for all eternity? HUH!
Link This one made me a bit sad too...
If only the tree had fallen over...If only the tree had fallen over...
I am not going to say anything. I am sure you are thinking the same thing I am.
I will say that I have posted a photo of the happy couple in their living room. Two words. Knotty Pine.
Okay so I agree they have an ugly living room but what's wrong with having a celtic wedding? I kinda wanna do something like this at my wedding... unfortunately I think both mum and the priest would throw a fit... and probably anybody I wanted to marry :(