I have no Monet. I am Baroque.

Jun 23, 2009 12:12

So far today I am having a very technologically retarded time of things. Flash has been unexpectedly quitting on me all morning and my computer keeps going into hibernation at random intervals. It's awesome. I can tell you're jealous.

I feel like I should come up with a clever segue, but I'm not feeling it so here's a magical special rainbow of some of the plants in my garden. Because I like plants (particularly plants that I can eat).

From top to bottom:
Morning Glory (Something has been eating the morning glories by the front porch, and I hope it's tripping its face off whatever it is. Also, laughing pretty hard at these stories- sounds like these people are reading the, "Worst trip I've ever had in my whole life I wanted to kill my cat, my boyfriend and myself" reviews and going, "HECK YES I WANT TO TRY THAT" - now maybe it's just me, but if you tell me something tastes like the ass of a three week dead raccoon I'm not going to be in a big hurry to try it. Go figure.)
Lady's Mantle
Lettuce (I ate most of it already.)
Chamomile (Woo, making tea.)
Squash (Woo, making... something with squash.)
lakjsf;kjaf, don't remember what these were. Some kid of zinnia maybe?
Poppy (Not going to eat that...)

Okay, now that I've procrastinated for a while, I'll go back to fighting with technology.

Maybe lunch first though.
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