I've thought about summarizing, but heck I don't feel like it. I do need to make a 2007 post so that I can look back on it though- I think for that I'll just do a photo dump. I'm excluding personal photos, like most of my stuff of Kelly and Aidan because I don't think those belong on the internet- so this is really just a random bunch of photos
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Will you be coming to AB by any chance?
Yep! Kelly and I will probably be stopping by AB for a while- we're bringing Aidan and I have no idea how much time we'll actually be spending at the con as a result. :) Hopefully we get to see you though! Are you going to be cosplaying at AB or taking pictures?
Ahhhh CUTE ! :3 Hope I see you guys there :D I'll be there Friday and Saturday... both cosplaying and taking photos. I've only got one shoot planned at the moment, and only know of a few friends going, so I don't know how much I'll be taking pri. shoot pics.
Sounds awesome! What are you going to be cosplaying? I gotta know who to look out for other than someone-who-looks-like-Tif-hiding-behind-a-camera. :3
I'll be doing a few costumes, probably. Friday morning I should be that blonde chick from No More Heroes (basically a slutty looking secretary, lulz-- blame mai waifu >>;), Friday late afternoon is Mulan (lulz blame them again ;__;) and Saturday I'm supposed to be doing a Final Fantasy XII dress (not one of the popular ones) -- but I'll be blonde, assuming that goes through. Assuming they all go through. Who knows though, I have horrible luck.
I'm guessing you guys won't be cosplaying?
Ha ha ha, that sounds great! I will look out for you then. I don't know what Kelly and I are doing costume-wise. We might just re-wear something unless we have a bit of free time between now and then, then we might whip something up. I'm not really sure at the moment. ^^'
That sounds cool, let me know if you do :3 I wanna steal you guys for a few pics if you have time, haha.
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