The Half-Assed Otakon Report (More Better Better Feeling!)

Aug 13, 2006 01:58

(Because, let's face it- if I don't just put this thing up somewhere soon it will never happen.)

Um, let's see. Otakon was awesome and my pictures were horrible. Really, I thought you had to be half drunk and rolling down the hill in a wheelchair to take bad photos with this camera but apparently I managed!

I should probably let you know that there are lots of pictures behind these cuts.

I feel like there's so much to cover in this post... so I'll probably just skip half of it.

Were awesome. Everyone I ran into was awesome, new people were awesome, roommates were EXTRA awesome- really, I loved rooming with you guys. We may have been rooming way up in eastside bunglefuck but you guys really made this con so much better.

The Con:
Holy crowded, batman. I think I say it every year but this has to be my last Otakon. It's too crowded, stinky, sweaty, swampy-bleh and everyone is spread out over too many hotels, it's nearly impossible to see everyone that you want to see (although I think we actually managed it this year- even if we did only see each person for half a second) and I really don't like Baltimore.
The only con related thing I went to was the dealers' room on Sunday with Kelly to look for something for Aidan.

The Costumey-Things:
Ah ha ha ha we dressed up as Sera Myu people all weekend and it was faaaabulous fun. I honestly never thought I'd see myself dressed up as Sailor Moon running around a con though.
I've had to try and keep myself away from lj for the past few weeks for fear of making entries that consisted of nothing but, "Omg Sayuri omg Seiya omg omg omg." So excuse my blatant fangirling for a minute here... but I really want to touch Sayuri's bum. Kelly's in on it too, so it's okay. Right?
Okay... for good measure I need to include links to solar miracle make up, knocking down hesitation(note Sayuri's awesomely BAD dance moves in the background), and link (even though that's not Anza). Wait, and La Moon.

...okay, got that out of the way.
No idea where I was going with that. Posting those links got me all sidetracked. Okay! Picture time then!
On Friday Kelly and I ran into Michela and Mika and knocked down some super sweet hesitation with the power of jazz hands. Except Mika was taking this picture so he's kind of not in it...

Then.. my cube at work with a flock of Anzas so I could feel 'inspired' (or annoyed) to work on my costumes. Yes, this is out of order.

Looking creepy as hell with a 'moonboner' ...

Itchy humping a complete stranger on Friday night...

Lulu, Me, Kelly... at the (deserted) hotel bar before heading down to the con. I have no idea what time this was, but I look sort of drunk.

Kelly got all sexied up in her blue vinyl, while I kind of looked like a sparkly cake on legs that a bunch of chickens ran into the back of....

We met the fabulous genkidoki and decided it was meant to be for us to become the bestest of friends- since he hearts Anza and we ran into him in every Myu costume that we wore over the weekend.

On Saturday night Adam got engaged to his future ex-husband:

Itchy, Kelly, and I decided that groping Adam was a good idea:

We must've seen Godzirra here- I dunno though, Kelly looks pretty happy about it.

The night only got better as Kelly and I started miming her pushing me around in a wheelchair.

Aaaand yeah. Okay, so there are more photos but it's taken me an hour and a half to get all that up there and I'm sick of typing this thing. I'll try to post more in comments or something tomorrow. x__X
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