Life is far more satisfying and excellent this week.

Mar 11, 2009 14:01

Monday was excellent! Thanks to all for the well wishes, it really made me smile and feel cared about. Coraline was phenomenal. My first 3-D movie, and well worth the extra money! It seems more 3-D movies are coming out, and I'm quite content about this state of affairs.

I don't know when I'm going to see Watchmen - maybe next week, since it's Spring Break.

Next week's to-do list is seemingly short:
1. Taxes.
2. UMass application.
3. Insurance mailed in.
4. Prep for Spanish presentation the following Friday.
5. Keep reviewing Spanish.
6. Make raver pants.

I'm very much looking forward to the break.

Spanish seems to be going much better. I'm getting answers correct in class, and I understand the material. I'm feeling much better. I get my exam score back Friday, which I'm not looking forward to... but at least the waiting will be over. I got my paper back and am very happy, as my score is a 92.

Psych exam tomorrow, not very nervous. Studying tonight, along with going to Joe's to hang out. Yay.

Haven last night was awesome. Sets were great, I had a blast, and got to see Tiffany, Tone, GZ, and many others. It was wonderful to see Tiff. I've missed her.

As for now, I'm off to work. I'm feeling so much better about life. Happy sigh.

spanish, school, movie, friends, birthday, haven

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