The Adventures of Faye and Riel. Take 1.

Jan 31, 2008 19:15

Riel writing:
7:15 PM: We are frustrated with the world. We have decided to have female bonding time. In the form of copious amounts of alcohol.

I have a 20oz. bottle of what used to be Vault. After chugging the remainder of the Vault, we refilled it with half White Cranberry Peach juice, 1/4 Triple Sec, and 1/4 Midori.

Faye brought a comparably sized glass, into which we poured about half juice, a splash of Triple Sec, (she's allergic to oranges, so Triple Sec = small amounts. Projectile vomiting is bad.) and the rest Midori.

We are going to try and watch Pan's Labyrinth (Spanish movie with English subtitles). Let's see how long it lasts. We're going to keep updating through the night. Next update scheduled after movie. If we make it through. By the way, throughout this post, there has been copious amounts of giggling. We're not even drunk yet. Hell, we've only had sips of our drinks, enough to verify... "Damn... that's tasty." So. /end Riel writing

[[movie time]]

Faye's writing:
Note: Before movie time, Riel must call the rental units to verify no web cam chat. Serious time now. Bad drunken web cam. Parents don't need to know about girls gone wild, bondage style - do they? Excuse given: Quality time with friends. *smiles* Yes, quality time with friends. *giggles* A friend who's not Jewish - hahahaha Riel's mom.

Okay, so Pan's Labyrinth - cause if we get drunk, I (Faye) can expect Riel to explain the Spanish movie in Russian - whee!! /end Faye writing

Riel writing:
10:29PM: There are a few things I have found out about Faye. She doesn't do graphic violence. Like, she really doesn't do graphic violence. Meaning while Pan's Labyrinth is an absoballylutely fantastic movie, the torture scenes and very very gory killing parts were a no-go. Faye says she got about 95% of the movie. I explained the parts that she didn't watch. All in all, it was great. *Faye nods... no. noddles? okay. evidently Faye noddles* And evidently I'm behind on Faye-isms. Yahoo. Mrewp? It's okay.

Faye isn't tipsy. She had more Midori in hers. Not fair. I like computers. You can't tell my accent is absolutely horrid right now. Hey, at least I'm staying in English. Go me.

(Faye Commentary)
No, you can't because Riel isn't saying much out loud either. LMAO. BTW, apparently my typing skills are smooth, real smooth as I realized trying to type.

Riel still writing:
So it's past midnight. And the adventures have come to a conclusion. As we are both going to bed. Woo, adventures. Rock. That was a good night.
/end Riel writing
/end writing, period.

drinking, life, adventures, faye

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