It looks like I'm taking over my house.

Dec 01, 2007 19:34

Faye's moving in next week. It looks like Muse is moving in next month, and staying with me for the time being. That's 3 out of 5 housemates that I'm friends with. This is awesome. I are so much with teh happyz0rs.

I don't think I'm going to the Cities for the holidays. I want to spend time with Rafi before he leaves for his month in Ghana. I'm going to miss him terribly. Plus I don't think I can afford it, period.

Plans for tonight:
Going to see Rafi play @ Hampshire, then Rocky Horror at Tower Theatres. For those of you who know Hampshire College campus, he's playing at the "Red Barn." I honestly don't know where that is. So good luck. It's a benefit for this lady who's going to have really expensive surgery or summat. So it's for a good cause. I think it's like $5.

Other things... I did a little holiday shopping today. Am very satisfied about relation of expenditure to relative value. Whee! Also got a new charger for my cell phone. So my cell's charging now. Which makes me squee for joy. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Looking for more office-y type jobs in the Valley. Everyone wish me luck. I just need more funds, and that's the end of it. I'm looking to take out a loan from my bank for school and expenses until I can catch up. Making this month's rent is going to be icky. If needs be, I'll dip into my savings. I'd just rather not. There's always taking a credit card, and paying it off within the two weeks until my next paycheck. Thoughts, anyone?

I'm moving across the hall to the shiny bigger room tonight. Yay! In fact, that's what I'm off to do. Just as soon as I call Rafi and figure out when he's going on stage. Think that's it...

All in all, I'm happy. A little stressed? Yeah. But happy.

muse, holidays, moving, rocky horror, faye, finances, job, minnesota, rafi

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