Woohoo, an update.

Feb 05, 2007 19:50

Though I really don't OKChave much time in any sense of the word.

Things have settled down at home and have kinda gone back to normal, minus me having use of a car outside of school and work. Which blows hardcore.

School's stressful, slightly overwhelming and glorious. If I didn't have Patrick I'd be dead for Linguistics... I'm really not wired for this, but it's so interesting!! So yeah, happy there. Loving the CSCL course and thinking about minoring in it. We'll see, gotta talk to the department.

Work's going well, have a lot of new information because it's renewing time of the year and well... I wasn't here last year! :P Newbies coming in, cool stuff. If anyone wants a job at Orchestra Hall, now's the time. Really, I mean now. It's cool.

I'm a tad bit frustrated..
1. Things would just plain be better if I had more time.
2. Things would just plain be better anyone else had more time, or didn't live so bloody far away.
3. I've got one guy who I cuddled with. Yes, cuddled. Gave a goodnight kiss on the cheek and told him quite plainly that I didn't think it would work because I thought he would be too clutchy. Well guess what. He didn't listen, and I was right. So he's spouting the L word and going on about how we should be together and me telling him I don't have the time and ... *le sigh*. Yippie yi yay. Aka le fuck.
4. I am talking to someone on OKC, and I'm not sure if it's going to go anywhere beyond friendship. But he's very poly (has two girlfriends and a boyfriend, and I'm friends with one of his girlfriend's best friends - that's how the connection got started), and I will know much more once we get brave enough to hang out somewhere. Will keep posting about it.

I went to my friend Jason's b-day party and found a totally awesome crowd. As a result, I'm going to go to a Girls Night BDSM something-rather, and am very much looking forward to it. Not sure if that goes under relationships, but it's definitely not "friendship." *grin* The get-together is a week from this Friday.

My schedule through Sunday:
Tomorrow: Class 9:45-12:30, work 3-4, home for dinner, out of the house for a few hours hopefully tomorrow night - studying, anyone?
Wednesday: Class 10-11, 12:20-1:10, no work (homework w/ Pat prolly), then home for dinner and gymnastics.
Thursday: Class 9:45-12:30, break from class (homework w/ Pat again prolly), and Theatre 6:30-9:30, though prolly later.
Friday: Class same as Wednesday, work 5:45-9:30. Not sure what after.
Saturday: Work 12:45-6, then either show with Jason @ 1st Ave, or swing dance. Details for the 1st Ave. show: http://www.first-avenue.com/calendar/event_1595.aspx
Sunday: Work 11:30-2:30. Swing dancing at 4 Seasons if parents permit it. Prolly not, but still hopeful.

So there we go. Me is busy. Muy busy. And now, speaking of busy, off to gymnastics practice! Toodles.

home, bdsm, schedule, okc, school, gymnastics, work, relationships

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