Okay kids.

Jan 25, 2007 00:16

A few things. Subject Number One: Friday night. Who wants to come with me to a Niobium concert? I desperately need a ride. It's in Burnsville, at the Garage. Or if not that, who wants to have a quiet night of hanging? Again, I am totally le screwed with transportation. I am sorry, but you will have to come and pick up my sorry ass from Mendota Heights. *sigh*

Subject Number Two: My birthday. It is coming up. I want something to happen. I would love that something to involve people. My birthday is on a Friday night. There is no excuse for students, unless they have work or play practice or summat. But you should be able to show up! And I want something to go as planned... at least remotely as planned. Thoughts? Places? Suggestions? Keep in mind I'm dirt broke.

That is all. Now, sleep.


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