Plans for today.

Oct 07, 2006 10:46

Okay, here's what's happening, world. For anyone who cares.

I am up. It is 10:45 a.m. Goodie. List of events and details as follows.

1. Get ready to meet outside world.
2. Get hair done at Rocco's. Thank you Mom!
3. Lunch somewhere.
4. Rocky Horror rehearsals.
5. Go with Sheena to get corset to decorate for proper costume accuracy. Urg, monies.
6. Hang out with Sheena, who is just a super likkle ray of sunshine. *grin*
7. Get ready for Rocky.
8. ROCKY! For anyone who's interested in attending, here's the reason you should come tonight: I've got a tap preshow. It's cool. And I'm onstage. So yeah. See me dancing, see me performing, see me hugging everyone.

Location: 38th Street and 42nd Ave. S in Minneapolis. Riverview Theatre.
Cost: $5. Which is cheaper than going clubbing at some horrid R&B place.
When: Be there a littley little bit before midnight. Like 11:50. Yeah.

9. Seriously considering being a horrid horrid person and going to the afterparty, because I haven't been to one in ages, and there's a party in Cetius' basement tonight. I really truly want to go. Damnit. I'll prolly be good and go home. *sigh* No white Russians for the Sariel.

The end.

hair, friends, rocky horror, social plans

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