eeee eeeee eeeeeeee!!!!

Sep 13, 2004 23:24

i´m seriously...floored...this totally came out of the blue!!! read on...

casi cambita: i really do love you...i dont know if i´ve ever even told you that directly yet
casi cambita: and AIM is definitely not the best place
casi cambita: :-P
casi cambita: ha, timing has never ever been my strong point lol
duke91784: shit, doesnt work too well for us
duke91784: and I know you do, and I do love you too, but I will let you know I'm not gonna be one of those guys who says that all the time
duke91784: but I do, I just dont want it to loose its know
casi cambita: ahm, ok
casi cambita: if i´m not feeling the love from you i´ll just hit you so you treat me right
casi cambita: :-P
duke91784: fair enough....I kinda like a woman that will take charge and make me her bitch

ok, so there was still a lot of my macho bad ass bf in there, and immediately after our converstaion returned to our normal fashion--insulting and teasing each other...but he loves me!! LOVES ME!!! and then he said this:

duke91784: i know...i was wanting to either have it be in person or phone...but I'll take what I can get

*sigh* i think he means it. i know i meant it. once he wrote ´love, liam´in a letter and once he wrote that he thought he was falling in love with me, but that´s been it...then today i was expecting something along those lines (maybe) and i got this!! and right at a time when i needed to hear it. oh man... OH MAN. i dont know how he feels about me posting this but i seriously cant help it--i want eeeeveryone to know that he loves me!!!!! big sighs and happy dances...tee hee hee.
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