Apr 03, 2004 22:49
mmm had a bit of a breakdown today at dinner. :-/ gah, i just feel like this week has NOT been my week. i mean, all the emotional ups and downs, and all the teasing... normally im tooootally ok with teasing and im pretty good at laughing at myself but tonight just kinda put me over the edge. this whole week i've felt like everyone has been picking on me and then tonight there was andy's joke and the next thing i knew i was crying and running towards the bathroom. then i come back to dinner and the next thing i knew i was crying AGAIN, dammit, and i just had to get out of there. matt followed me and hugged me and i cried on his shoulder. i left a few mascara and eyeliner smudges... :-/ later i cried on el's shoulder...it's been a really long time since i've cried on anyone's shoulder... aww man, i love my friends. at first i really wanted to be alone and then i realized i really didnt want to be...we all hung out till like 10 or somethin and afterwards i felt sooo much better. MEH i hate crying. i really do. and i hate crying over stupid things. i mean, hello?!! teasing and a boy?!! 2 of the top dumbest things to cry over...GGRRRR... ahh well, i had el's perverted bubble tea and matt slamming into walls while doing some strange fish thing to cheer me up...LOL... [Burn: Heavy.] lol...funny stuff.
me and Lis are embarking on some major SoCo file sharing...3 songs down, 80 million left to go. :-P hehehe...OH!!! Something Corporate and Yellowcard concert!!! sooooo F'ing amazing!!!! OMG....ha, SoCo was just as good this time as the last time i saw them, and YC was goooood!! i pulled jam up front for SoCo...come on, being squished amongst 800 big sweaty ppl always makes me happy!! :-D LOL then for YC we should stood in the back and i rocked out. I dont think i've ever danced so much by myself as i did to YC. gah, for both bands, during some of their songs i almost DIED, hehe. absolutely wonderfullllll :-D yesssss. cant wait to see them again! if SoCo comes back again before school gets out i have a date with a guy named Andrew. he's matt's friend. he really wanted to go last night but didnt have anyone to go with, so i said if they come back we should go together and he agreed... man, next good concert, i want to go in a big group with all my friends!!! that would be wayyy rad!!
ahhk, time to hit the hay, im beat...i hope tomorrow is as beautiful as today was!! 72 degrees!!! holy. crap. !!! i'll go read in the sun again and hopefully get some HW done. :-P ha, goals are good... :)