Sep 05, 2007 10:07
Today from The Onion:
While you've always considered yourself too proud to pay for sex, the stars alone know you're not too proud to pray for it.
This week from Rob Brezsny:
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): "Success is dangerous," said Picasso. "One begins
to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy
others. It leads to sterility." Sorry to start your horoscope with a warning,
Leo, especially given how much beautiful success you've generated
recently. But the astrological omens suggest you may soon be tempted
to turn your spontaneous outpourings into pat formulas. And that would
be a shame. There's still a lot more fresh hot mojo brewing within you,
and it'll reach its highest expression if it keeps surprising you. Trust
what's fresh, uncategorizable, and at the frontiers of your understanding.
I've got fresh hot mojo, yo. Fresh. Hot. Mojo.
fresh hot mojo