DAMNIT! First I give up Supergrass, and now STEREOLAB. I am fucking retarded. Holy Jesus.
Mar 25
@ Nokia Theatre
tickets are on sale NOW
http://www.ticketmaster.com But judging by my purchases today, I will be one well-dressed retarded motherfucker. Even if it's not to attend the concerts of two bands that consistently are on the top ten list of my all time favourite bands. MOTHERFUCKIN SNAKES ON A MOTHERFUCKIN PLANE!
Back to purchases, I have purchased many t-shirts with some of what remains from my tax return, simply because I need a pick me up and I have very few t-shirts for casual wear. I don't really know what's happened to all my t-shirts, I seem to remember having a lot more, but lately I've been cycling through Chemistry Power, Peter is a Rock God (which now just says Peter is o Rock Gnd), and Music+Science=Sexy. I know I got rid of a lot of shirts in the many Moves of 04-05, but I thought I had more. I don't really know where most of my other t-shirts are, and the ones that I do have locations on I don't really want to wear. *Oh man, and of course my brand-spankin new Sunward shirt, which I've worn pretty much every day this week cause it happens to be the best shirt ever, thankyavermuch.
And I have to say, Hot Topic t-shirts are pretty fucking shoddy. Luckily, I never pay more than 5 dollars or so for one, but every Hot Topic t-shirt I've ever owned (a) never gets that really soft cotton feel from repeated wear and washing and (b) somehow the seams always split in the armpits. Lovely, I know. But new shirts were necessary. And since I love the Hanes Beefy-T that my Music+Science=Sexy shirt is gorgeously printed on, I went ahead and got the Hobocore shirt. Yes, I know. But I must support QC. I also got a couple cheap ones from Cotton Factory (*including the 3.99 grab bag), which is where Chemistry Power came from. And I did something I've been wanting to do since I first saw it and ordered the Flaming Lips Christmastime On Mars tee, the one that's got the picture of the band all Martianed up on the front with "Peace" and on the back says "Lets go to Mars, not Iraq". So I will be very well t-shirted. And still retarded. But you love me anyway.
Oh my god. I need to not open the slaughter entertainment email again until I am safely withint the borders of Texas. Look at this:
Fri Feb 24
The Undertow Orchestra Featuring: Vic Chesnutt with / David Bazan / Mark Eitzel
/ Will Johnson
Hailey's, Denton, TX
Doors at 9:00pm / frontgatetickets.com
!!! Jesus, Vic Chesnutt... I fell in love with him the first time I heard Florida, and then Gravity of the Situation became like my anthem in my impressionable early teen years. I was a weird fucking kid. AND to have David Bazan AND Will Johnson performing with him?! Holy shit. On further study, Scott Danbom will also be joining the party. Jesus fucking christ. And they're not coming to Florida!!! I haven't listened to Vic in ages, either. i wonder if I still have any of those CDs...?
Not to mention the constant reminders of Wall of Sound, an answer to a little bit of a fantasy of having chemset and Low on one bill.