Jun 16, 2005 10:52
My plan for the summer was to read a ton of books. Since mid-may, I've completed 7. So, I thought it would be a good idea to post reviews/my thoughts on the books I have read thus far. The first book I completed, it took me one day, was Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce. I found the book in my school's cafeteria. It had been sitting there for a few days when finally I just decided to take it. It was alright. It provided a good snapshot of what Dublin was like whenever James Joyce was growing up. The notes in the back were also really helpful at explaining things like their slang and just cultural references. There were quite a few references to the Catholic church which were well explained in the notes. The book was more captivating at some points than at others. The problem is that it's James Joyce so there isn't a really clear linear plot, although it is certainly more coherent than I'm told Finnegan's Wake is. It's a classic, and I'm glad I read it, I'm also glad about the free copy, but it isn't my favorite book of all time. I'll give it 6/10.