What was that rule of 3

May 22, 2010 14:58

So I talked about in my last post that I was stress about my shift bid. The good new is I have that all sorted out. I am working 4:30 pm to 1 am with Saturday Sunday off. Yes this stucks but I will be car pooling with my supervisor so I don't have to worry about the stupid shift window she will always be there until 1am.

So I releaxed, everything is okay......until today.

Went back over to Sheri's for a bit today. In case you don't know I practically live with Jeff now. I don't actually live there I just pretty much don't leave. However my cat Shrek ( see user pic) does still live at Sheri's and since Jeff is allergic I don't see him that often.

A few weeks ago Shrek got in a fight or caught on something and had a huge sore near his armpit. But it was healing nicely and the fur was staring to grow back. Today when I was at Sheri's I went to play with my kitty and check his sore, Sheri checks it almost every day to make sure it is still healing correctly. Apparently cat's can heal so quickly that if they are hurt deep enough the skin will heal over but there will be a space underneath and then it will rupture. Shrek now has a huge hole about a square inch in his shoulder in which you can see the muscle through.

So I have spent about an hour at the vets today which cost $300 and he will be going into the vet again on Tuesday for surgery that will cost another $900. I have also spent the last hour and a half sobbing and now I have a headache. Apparently the Universe hates me this month.

Shrek will be okay. Because it is the long weekend they can't do the surgery until Tuesday. But he does not seem bother by it at all and is in good spirits. Sheri is watching him over the weekend until it is time for surgery. I am going to see if I can get my shift changed so I can take him in and go pick him up after.

Nessun had given me some really nice bath stuff from lush when I was stressed about work. I think I am going to drink a crap load of Vodka then have a bath.
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