Been Awhile - Take Two, or three maybe

Apr 01, 2010 20:05

Tried to post this once, apparently my ability to post without error fails bigtime.

Been awhile since I posted. I keep forgetting that I CAN post from the web, and do not need to rely on SEMagic for posting to LJ.. I recently inherited jadawin's old computer, which was superior to MY old computer, but not as good as the new one he just got. This means a full wipe, and reinstall, this time with Windows 7. I STILL haven't gotten my other machine cleaned off, but I've got most of my stuff moved over. Email is his duty, cause I would more than likely wreck all my email if I tried. Heh.

Well, I haven't been to the gym since December. A broken down car will do that to a girl, and with the snowy weather well into March, I wasn't gonna try to get my hands on a bike, let alone walk or jog. Brrr. So I spent a couple months being depressed about that, the weather, my weight, my lack of motivation.. etc. But this past weekend, the car has been recharged, and as long as I start it every day, it's an okay method of transportation, til we can afford to have it looked at by someone who might have a clue about Subaru's and electrical problems. Meh.

So I've gone to the gym twice this week, and going again on Friday. My thighs BURN. Monday we only did half my usual weight training workout, since I hadn't done it in three months. Yesterday we switched it up to work on lower body, whereas Monday we did upper body. My upper body isn't bothered, but my thighs and hips and gluts, OMG the burn. Of course that's the area I have the least problem with weight. It's all in the middle.

The weather change is a HUGE help in keeping me motivated. Also, to this end, I have signed up to do a March of Dimes walk. So here is my obligatory plea for donations. :D

Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. I'm walking in March for Babies because I want to do something about this. And I need your help.

Please support my walk. Making a secure donation is easy: just click the 'donate now' button on this page. Thank you for helping me give all babies a healthy start!

In addition to it being a very good cause, it is also a cause that touches me, because my husband's brother was born premature, and is now a thriving and healthy adult. Between the time he was born, and his brother was born, they lost five siblings due to complications at birth and premature delivery. It's heartbreaking and my mother in law, who is also my best friend, still feels that great loss, even after over forty years. If we had March of Dimes supporting healthy births back then, perhaps the loss would not have been so great.

I hope the link below works, if the image does not show up you can simply visit my donation page direct.

Thank you for supporting me in this cause. Not only will it help support a fantastic cause, but setting a goal of a four mile walk will help me achieve some of my personal health and fitness goals as well!

march of dimes

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