Well, guess what? I got home about 7 hours ago. STopped for a final gas stop in .. Battle Creek, MI? Right around there, and figured what the hell. I'm less than 2 hours from home. keep going!
So we spent about an hour, letting the new kitty get aclimated to her new home. One room at a time. She didn't like the bathroom, so we moved her stuff into the bedroom where
jadawin forced me to go to bed. Then he went to work. At which point I got back up to take care of a few things, that would stay in my head until I took care of them, and never let me sleep.
So here I am, on my OWN computer, and not the laptop. Cable seems to be fine now. Hubby's transferring some stuff from my computer to the TiVo I think. So all is good and happy now methinks.
He's moving the truck now, so he can start unloading. Not sure when his dad and brother will be here, but hopefully soon. :)
Thanks everyone for the warm wishes, and concern and for reading me babble on about this trip. I've had a blast, but am so HAPPY to be home now. :)