Aug 06, 2012 18:26
Grayson's birthday is in 9 days, his party is in 12. I have finally decided to make mini banana cupcakes. I am going to hopefully not fail and pipe little monkey and lion faces out of chocolate. My plan is to pipe them onto wax paper, peal them off without breaking and place them on top of the cupcakes!
So far 7 people are going to show up, I am hoping Isla and Anna confirm Yay or Nay when we go to Toprak's party on the 12th. I am still waiting to hear from at least 4 moms, which would add another 12 people. My brother had mentioned that he would want to be here, but I haven't received an answer...I e-mailed him in July.
Dear boob problems, I thought you were out of my life. W.T.F? This current issue is no where as painful as my first 6 months of breastfeeding. I have a small open sore on my aeriola, to this day I have no idea how it got there. I blame Grayson's teeth, even though I never felt the injury happen. Every time Grayson would nurse it would hurt, breastfeeding should NEVER hurt so I knew something was once again wrong *sigh* Grayson was pulling on my nipple as he nursed, I didn't know until recently that his actions of pulling kept opening the sore. Today I figured out a way for him to have his boob and make me happy too!
We still have no idea if Rob is going to the oil rigs. However if he doesn't he has an opportunity to work in Vancouver. If he goes to Vancouver he will be making $25 an hour...? He told me, but was only guessing. Rob payed almost $300 for his Hs2 Alive course, so if he doesn't make it to the rigs that money just went down the shitter. If he doesn't make it to the Rigs and can work in Vancouver then we could see each other more.
It would be amazing if Rob could work in Vancouver, but I can't shake the frustration, angst and complete irkness I would feel knowing we just wasted $300. I am not going to think about that now.
Right now I just need to focus on Grayson's party, I have everything except the food. I keep thinking his party is this Saturday, which is making my brain vomit nothing but stress.
Ugh I am so weird and blobish, can a person be blobish? I don't know, blarg just blarg.
The only things I need to worry about are tomorrow and then I can rest until Sunday. Sunday we are attending a birthday party, and then I have 5 days to get party food. I am having an internal battle over the 5 days, part of me is saying "Be calm, 5 days is lots of time" while another part is freaking out.