The Oncoming Storm: Notes From The Apocalypse

Oct 29, 2012 12:28

Day One
Update One

It's very windy here. It's raining, but barely. Nothing abnormal about the precipitation, but the wind has a few strong gusts. Doesn't feel any worse than some winter storms/nor'easters, though, so I'm just enjoying it.

There's already some flooding from the storm surge (notably in my hometown and other coastal locations), but nothing by my apartment.

Work is closed (and it'll probably flood, which means extended not-being-in-the-office). The roads in CT will be closed starting at 1pm. This is bad if I have to evacuate. Not that I will evacuate, anyway.

People have lost power. Lots of people, it looks like. In the tens of thousands, if I heard correctly. We still have it, though. We're by a police station and firestation, and right off a major main road. We're a priority grid.

We have some extra water, and food. My roommate is making macaroni and cheese and baking cookies. I'm pretending to work from home, but I've taken lots of cigarette breaks. And standing around breaks. And whatnot.

Anyone else in the midst of this storm? I am anticipating boredom and a lot of hoopla for nothing, but am excited about the free day(s) home and the...homemade cookies?

random ramblings, hurricane

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