Oct 24, 2012 17:32
So, a long while back, I applied for a position. I did not get that position. It was decent, but on the con side, it wasn't THAT much more than what I'm making now and I wouldn't really have time for writing/acting, and it would be in marketing about which I know next to nothing. There'd be quotas and pressure and just a whole different culture.
I was upset, but not devastated.
Then, my old boss told me about this magical position that just opened up. It is, possibly, more money. Time is more flexible. It'd be in IT, not Marketing, and I know this stuff - or, at least, know how to work it. (Yes, I wanted to be an English professor. IDEK how I got here, don't ask me.) Also, I'd be working for my old boss (who I ADORE).
I applied last Tuesday, had a phone interview on Friday, had my interview with former boss/head of the department today, and just got a call about references.
This is looking good!
I think these things happen for a reason.
random ramblings