Jan 16, 2012 18:16
So I just finished my spontaneous almost-13k-word story. What? IDK. I've done nothing but write all weekend.
It's an episodic, case-based fic. It's set post-Exit Wounds and has references to many previous episodes (specifically Combat). There's Jack/Ianto, though they sort of take a backseat to...well, to plot. There is a date scene, though. There's Jack&Gwen friendship, Ianto&Gwen friendship, Torchwood One involvement, and PC Andy. There are a bunch of OCs - 7 or 8? In all, it's probably rated PG/PG13. I don't even think there's any non-friendly kissing (ETA: Not that I mean that there WOULD be, you know, mean-spirited kissing. Just that the kissing is not romantic. Right.)
Now, I generally don't write plot, so I'm a particularly needy author at this point. Basically, your general SPaG and characterization bits, Brit-picking if possible, etc. Also, I need a Plausibility Doctor and a Dropped Plot Picker-Upper and a Writing Wrench (for tightening, you see) and a Potential Mary Sue Assassin. Those are not official terms, but I think you know what I'm getting at.
There is absolutely no turnaround time required, but I'm hoping for about a week.
Anyone interested? Please?